Friday, January 22, 2010

Just Watched Legion, and Before I Know It, I'm Writing a Super Long Rant About Religion

Legion is a movie about God exterminating humans in the present day because he had enough of us sucking. Again. When I started watching it, I was expecting like a war movie with the main character from Avatar, because I got Legion mixed up with Clash of the Titans, I think. You could imagine my confusion as I was watching this English guy kill demons in present day New York. I was like wait, this is gonna be like a time travel movie, where demons form an army and fight the Avatar guy? Kinda funny. Anyway, I ended up not liking the movie. It did start making me think about religion though, so here's to my first post of the new year!
So in the movie, God is exterminating mankind with angels. Satan and demons never come into play. God orders his army of angels to kill everybody, but very specifically a white trash girl's baby, because it's the hope for all mankind. So, God doesn't want a couple humans staying alive like roaches and starting over again, he wants every last hope for humans to be gone. And the only angel who disagrees with this is Michael, who disobeys God and starts killing the angels that are posessing weak-willed humans, who are then killing all the strong-willed humans who have to be physically killed, because they're too good of people to just be possessed by angels.
I definitely have a problem with that. The only person in heaven that said, "God, this is wrong," was Michael. And in the end, spoiler alert, Michael ends up dying defending the white trash baby, going back to heaven, and then coming back as an angel again and saving mankind because God saw the light, and realized he should keep humans around.
In all seriousness, I thought it was kind of a cool movie until that happened. God is God. He is omniscient, he created existence and knows what is going to happen and every detail about every single person, like Santa Clause. But when God goes around killing people, there is one merciful angel who says, "God, there is still hope for mankind. Look, these people are good." God's like, "No I don't care, I want everybody dead, including that white trash baby." And then Michael dies for mankind, goes back to heaven, and God's like, "You know what Michael, I guess you were right. That mechanic is a really good guy. And so was Tyrese, he died trying to save a little kid. Go save that white trash baby." Boom, everything's OK. So fucking stupid.
First of all, God, you made everything and every person. You're omniscient (you know exactly what every single person you make is going to do, and how they're going to turn out), so why would you just kill all those people in the first place? Second of all, I understand that people are shitty. I honestly think there are more shitty people than good people. So if you're going to kill every single human, fine. But don't stop halfway and say, "Oh shoot, I just can't kill the good ol' southern folk, they're just so friendly." Like after that, all the humans are gonna be like "Yay! We can live again, God is so good!" But he was going to kill you! How can you go back to worshiping the dick who ruined life as humans knew it? In the end, the white trash baby was alive, thanks to Michael telling God to fuck off, so awesome, everything's good. Dumb.
That being said, I would just like to say that everybody can believe whatever they want, I don't care. If you're happy and it's not hurting the happiness of others, go for it. But I have a problem with the apocalypse prophecy in Christianity. It's like if some parents had like 40 kids and 35 of them turned out really bad, like murderers, rapists, thieves, Scientologists, and then the parents just kill all those kids. But everybody's cool with it, because they were super bad kids. That's bullshit though, if you made those shitty kids, they're your responsibility, and the fact is, you probably raised them to be shitty kids.
So fuck the apocalypse, God made everybody knowing how everybody would turn out, if he's not happy with it, it's his own damn fault. And don't tell me we all have free will, I know that. God gave us free will and he knew exactly what we would do with it.
Everybody should just stop being shitty people, that's the whole point of the apocalypse story.