Friday, February 25, 2011

I Am Awful At Waking Up

There is now widespread knowledge amongst those who know me well that I am not a morning person, especially after a night of heavy drinking. And if matters could get any worse for Morning Spencer, they have this semester.
For the past few weeks, I will tell myself, OK, tomorrow morning (usually means that same day, but later, about 5-7 hours later, at 9 or 10 am), I will wake up, make coffee, make a good breakfast, and get ready for the day just like everyone else. And then, I will wake up to my alarm at 9 or 10, and have no desire to do anything productive. I will look at my grey, cold room with disdain and think, "wow, I would love to sleep for 15 more minutes." So I do so. Again. And again. Until it's been an hour of waking up and hitting snooze. I have a problem.
However, one cool thing has been my dreams. I'm currently taking antibiotics because I had strep throat. I don't have it anymore, but I have to finish the meds. But I think they might be making me have really weird dreams. Last night I was driving in my car across a bridge, and huge tidal waves kept crashing over the side of the bridge, and I thought I was gonna die. But I wasn't afraid about it, I was actually laughing, like, "hahaha! OOH MY GOD I MIGHT DIE RIGHT NOW!" And then my car made it across, and was floating around with these families and kids swimming in flooded streets. And I was worried about my car running them over, so it just kind of disappeared, so I was just floating around past them.
And then this other dream, I was playing football for some type of organized team that was sponsored by Disney. And we were playing in a huge stadium with no one in it. And my coaches told me to go up in these huge rafters to help out the team. So I go up there in a convenient elevator, and when the other team was close to the endzone, they passed the ball and I just caught it, so their recievers couldn't get a touchdown. And then I thought I was gonna fall off, and had one of those, "am I dreaming? I dunno, I better catch myself, just in case, so I don't die," moments.
Now it's 2 am and I am going to resolve to wake up at 10: 30. We will see how Morning Spencer fares later this morning.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not to Make This A Completely Negative Blog, But I Don't Like Valentine's Day

I'll start off with something positive. Andres and Spencer are home and I'm loving it. I like my job and I like my classes, and I'm doing well. Life is good. Today, I skipped my first class, went to my second class where I watched The Kids Are All Right, and I liked it. And then I went to my Jewish Studies class, went to Savanna Grill for some drinks and some delicious fish and chips. Awesome day.
But then Valentine's Day had to aim its stupid representative bow and arrow right at my bubble and burst it. Savanna Grill is great because it's cheap. Half off drinks and appetizers after 8 or 9 pm, some reasonably early hour, every night. Except Valentine's Day. Because restaurants make ridiculous amounts of money because every couple has to try and make February 14th special every year so they go out to a restaurant to have a romantic evening. Don't get me wrong, romance is cool. Going out to dinner is awesome, I do it all the time. But the fact that it's a huge custom to go out, buy flowers, jewelry, chocolate, puppies, cars, houses, however grandiose of a gesture you're trying to make, I think is unnecessary. And I'll say I'm also all for buying these things for a loved one if you are able to financially. But don't do it just because you're pressured to by a holiday.
For one, it strains relationships. Every couple has expectations going into Valentine's Day, and a lot of the time, it's just a normal night out to dinner followed by normal sex. And the next day is even more normal. A lot of couples probably think, "man, why can't we be romantic on Valentine's Day, it's supposed to re romantic."
In My opinion, romance is cool because it's unexpected. Make me a steak dinner and sex me up without warning any day of the week, and you are the most romantic person I've ever met.
And getting back to the most important part: stop going to restaurants for this so-called holiday. Because I want to spend 20 dollars at savanna grill for dinner and two beers, not 32.92.
Finally, I'll clarify that I think a steak dinner and sex is very romantic. That is way more intimate than waiting for a table at a restaurant for an hour for crappy service and buying flowers that will take up valuable vase space and die soon.