Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We're All Just Floatin' Around, All Accidental Like.

I watched Forrest Gump last night for the first time since I was a little kid. And sorry I'm 15 years too late in saying it, but that movie is awesome. I love when Forrest will say something to someone he's talking to at the bus stop, and then someone will say what he just said, like in the re-living of his life. Made me chuckle every time.
But the last part of the movie was really memorable, when he was talking to Jenny at her grave. And he says, paraphrasing, going through life is a combination of destiny and floatin' around, all accidental like. And he talks about all the beautiful things he saw when he was running through America, and in Vietnam and stuff. It really made me appreciate everyone I have. And for some reason the thought of me just floating around in the world and happening upon such beautiful people is really cool to me. And now that I think of it, I can remember most of the times I met all the people I care about, and it kind of seems like I just ran into them, in retrospect. Like we all floated up to each other at some point and after that, it just seemed natural we wouldn't float away.
On the other side of the spectrum, too, I float by tons of people at school and have no problem floating by those people. I love my friends, is what I'm getting at.
One more thing I thought about after watching Forrest Gump is that I want to move to the South eventually. That movie made it look really pretty to me. And I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this already in an earlier blog post, but the movie made me want to see more natural beauty. Instead of backpacking around Europe when I graduate college, I think I want to just drive through every state in the US and see all the natural beauty I can see. And probably drink at a lot of different bars and eat a bunch of weird food.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


So, so far I kind of like school. Pretty abnormal for me. But it's early in the year, everything is easy, and it's not as hot. And I've grown some nuts and started getting to school early enough to find parking to I'm not complaining about parking in an adjacent neighborhood to Grossmont before school. Which is fucking retarded. I hope you guys don't get tired of me saying everything's fucking retarded. I just wish that the school system would only allow as many students to add classes as there are parking spots.
Anyway, here's why I like school right now. All my teachers are guys, for one. Call me a chauvinist, but I tend to like male teachers better than female ones. I can probably just relate to them more. My favorite class is beginning acting at Grossmont. Obviously because it's super easy. We play games, basically, to get us warmed up and ready to express ourselves. And during these exercises the teacher sometimes gets kind of weird, and "acting-teachery." Example: first day I went to class (I missed the first day, I slept through it), we did relaxation exercises where we were able to "feel every part of our body" and "think about the tool with which we would channel characters." I'm paraphrasing, but my teacher said things very close along those lines. When I was lying down on the carpet, making raspberry sounds (blowing air out of my relaxed lips so they made an obnoxious fart sound. Yeah, super relaxing), I thought wow, this is fucking retarded. But hey, it beats the shit out of stats or bio. And then we started doing small scenes with assigned partners. And doing them and watching them was really fun. I've already talked to more people in that class than I have in all my college classes combined. And don't get me wrong, a lot of these kids are fucking weird. And annoying. But fuck it, I'm weird. And a change of pace is always appreciated.
All my other classes are pretty run-of-the-mill. Only thing cool about them is that my 2 classes at state are taught by really nerdy guys. And really nerdy guys are funny. Usually. In this case, they're cool. And I will only have to buy 1, maybe 2 books for this semester, so I'm super psyched. So here's to the new semester. I will miss Summer break and everyone that makes breaks so Goddamn fun.