Monday, August 9, 2010

Watched The Other Guys Tonight

The movie was really weird. It was an over-the-top action comedy and it was very funny at times but also had some times where I really wasn't feeling the movie. I left the movie, though, still thinking Will Ferrell is hilarious. Some people were saying he kinda lost it. I disagree. Wait for that movie to come out on video and you'll see (I dunno if it's worth 10 bucks. I liked it, just not 10 bucks liked it). Weirdest part was the credits just running some figures and numbers at you about how much corporate greed has grown in the last decade or 2. Seriously, the credits had statistics in it about how much money CEO's make now and how much they used to make. And the disparity between the average worker's salary and a CEO's. Which I found very interesting and tought-provoking, but after watching a movie where 3 guys comically commit suicide and homeless people have several orgies in a prius, you'd imagine me being perplexed. Funny movie though, don't get me wrong.

So here's what I'm thinking. I think that the big people in this world are too big. There are companies that are too big to go out of business. They literally have so much fucking money that if they failed, so would our economy. And there are people that head those corporations. I wanna know how that guy sleeps at night because it must be very good sleep. I would totally buy a memory foam mattress if I could afford it, those things are awesome. I don't really know where I'm going with this subject, other than saying it's retarded how rich some people get. I can't imagine having so much money that I literally could not spend it all. Makes me want to do something really drastic and revolutionary but I realize that the system works for a lot of people and I have no idea if there's a system that would work better. And I just don't want to turn into a tree-hugging faggot.

One more thought. One night, like a week ago or something I had a dream where I was lucid, like I knew I was dreaming, and I had a thought along the lines of, "in Inception, they did this, so I should do this too!" And I don't remember what I did. But I do remember having water thrown at me and then I caught it because I was like, I'm dreaming, I can do anything. So I fashioned the water into a sword and fought something. I'm pretty sure it was a creature of some kind who was also throwing fish or some kind of giant bugs at me. Which is funny now that I think about it again, because in the dream I caught them and just tossed them to the side, but in real life I would get grossed out and just try to dodge them because I hate bugs and I hate the smell and feel of fish.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This Was A While Ago But I'm Writing More Often. At Least For Now.

So a while ago I went to the shooting range with my dad and little brother. He is 13 now. He's going into high school this coming semester because he skipped 1st grade, he's young for a high schooler. Not only that, I'm pretty sure he is immature for his grade. I really don't know much about him. The other day I asked him what was going on in his life and he basically said nothing. And I said, and I'm paraphrasing, "You don't wanna tell me about your life? I'm your brother and I barely know you." To which he said, in his fucking annoying little sarcastic drawling voice, "Okay..." I don't blame older generations for thinking that newer ones are losing feelings for family and the good things in life. Families used to gather around radios and listen to broadcasts together, that sounds disgusting to me. And now I want to talk about my brother's life with him and he just shrugs me off. Me not knowing about his life has no gravity for him. Fuck it he can have his own life then.

Anyway. I went to the shooting range with my dad and brother, because my dad wants to get some kind of security guard certification where he can carry a gun on duty, it pays more I assume. so we go to P2K (Project 2o00) on Willow Glen or Dehesa, whatever the street. And that place is kind of eye opening. I walked in there, took a really easy test and I was certified to shoot a gun. No class, no training, no questions to see if I'm insane or not.
So we go into the range and shoot my dad's hand guns. My brother shoots one round and says he doesn't like the gun exploding in his face. So he sits the rest of the shooting out. We even try to coax him that the other hand gun that he didn't shoot was less smoky and easier to handle. He insisted that if it exploded in his face, he wasn't going to shoot a gun. And who can argue that a real-life hand gun wouldn't explode in his face?
What I was thinking about was this. I think we should have a little bit more strict gun control laws in this country. I'm all for protecting the Constitution. Our country was founded in great thanks to militia with muskets. We are entitled to weapons in our home, and we have a document that backs that up. But some of the guns I saw in the shooting range gun shop shouldn't be outside of military or high-level police hands. Some of these guns were meant to kill many people at one time. Like in a military sense. Now, if we were to justify the Constitution in the sense that I just defended it, we could say that the better the guns we have in gun shops, the better our militia would be. If we were invaded, I'm pretty sure our weapons would be just as good as any military's. That's no exaggeration. But I think we need to think within reason. We already have a really good military. Our need for a militia is very small. We don't need giant assault rifles or shotguns.
Here is the worst-case scenario I thought up that could happen because of our poor gun control. I go in the gun shop and rent one of those giant guns. I'm not sure that I can necessarily, but I'm pretty sure I could, just to shoot it. I could go shoot a couple rounds, then kill everyone in the range and go on a rampage on Rancho. I'm not saying I would, I love Rancho. But who's to say a looney wouldn't roll into Rancho? Just saying. Gun control.
Also, good for the gays for Prop 8 being overturned. Go get married.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Dunno, I Think About Weird Stuff.

I was thinking about the fate of humanity a lot lately. That and death. And the meaning of life. And the more I think about it, I kind of wish I was religious because I would be a lot less cynical about things. I believe in the idea that we all just exist and we are here for worldly pleasures. But we have really advanced cerebral thought so we have guilt complexes about indulging in worldly pleasures and stuff. And we wonder if this is all life is. I'm fine with that though, I guess. A lot of worldly pleasures are great. Feeling love is great, family is great (usually), and having a good time with your best friends is great. This is what I live for. Recently though, there are some other things I want to start living for.
I want to play sports again. And I'm less than ambitious and less than in shape, so doing this competitively may not pan out. Not only that, I work 30 hours a week and will be going to school again (not something I like living for), so this could just be one of those things I'll grow up saying I wish I pursued more adamantly.
The other thing is I want to see every beautiful place I possibly can. I have come to notice more often how pretty San Diego is. Even East County. Call me biased, but the scenery of Rancho San Diego can be really nice. It used to be just a big rural horse ranch, cowboys must have come out here to get away from it all in the majestic mountain scenery and have sex with each other in their tents.
Point is, I want to see what the world has to offer. I don't really care about making lots of money but if it means I have to do that to see the beauty of the world, I will. And I'll probably have to have some money if I'm going to have sex with women. Because God knows I won't get any making blog posts like this one.

Complete side note I wanted to blog about. If you are at a restaurant and you have something in your teeth, good for you for having a little floss stick with which you can hold a piece of plastic and floss your teeth with ease. But please, go to the bathroom and use it. I'm sure the people at your table would appreciate that too. And lastly, if you fail to excuse yourself from the table to get the shit out of your teeth, have the decency to throw your floss stick away yourself after using it. Bus boys at Old Town Mexican Cafe might just be bus boys but we also know a trashy fuck when we see their trashy remains left on their table. I've worked there a whole month and a half and I've found 2 floss sticks. Come on guys.