Saturday, May 21, 2011

Probably the Millionth Blog Post About Armageddon, But Fuck It, It's All Going to End, Right?

I dunno if any of you have read exactly what May 21st is supposed to be, but apparently Jesus comes back later today, and the Rapture begins, so, what, like 100 people (people who are actually good Christians) are going to Heaven, while the rest of us rot in chaos for 5 months, until October 21st, when the world actually ends.
To me, it sounds ridiculous, and I hope I'm right. I mean, I know I'm a good person, but God is really strict. And jealous. And mean. So if Jesus really is coming back, I'm doomed.
I really hope I get to talk to God before I get sentenced to damnation and give him my case. I was raised by a Buddhist mother, whose womb he injected me into. If he wanted me to be Christian, he should have made sure I would be one. And don't give me the free will argument. God is omniscient, he knew that I would not be a Christian before I existed. This point, I think, really makes God a huge dick. Everybody he sends to Hell, he knew would be going to Hell before they all existed. Stupid loophole in the fire and brimstone idea.
Which leaves me at this thought: I don't believe in God necessarily. I definitely don't believe in Christianity. I'm open to the idea of a higher power, some kind of creator. A lot of things just don't seem like coincidence. And I guess the vastness of existence is just hard to imagine coming into being just out of non-existence. But I think that the whole Armageddon thing is dumb. It's all prophecy, and I know I could be eating my words tomorrow as a crow pecks my eyes out. I'm just being optimistic.
Finally, I'll admit while I don't believe that the world will begin to end tomorrow, I have thought what it would be like if the world was going to end tomorrow. And all you guys are definitely the first to come to mind. I love you all. And I've decided I'm going to live my life in a way that I wouldn't be sad if Armageddon were to fall upon us. Maybe God just wanted us all to have a revelation like that one.