Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So I Got In A Car Accident, That Was Crazy

Having an experience that makes you examine your life is always worth talking about. The whole ordeal happened so fast, it doesn't seem like it actually happened. Looking back, I was conscious of my surroundings, aware of what was going on, then there's this rough patch of about 2 hours during my Los Angeles vacation where I don't know exactly what happened, except that I was in a car accident.
The feeling is a lot like coming home on a plane from a long vacation, and you know that your home, but it doesn't feel like you're home because you got home so quickly on the plane. Does anyone else feel that?
It just seems weird that my friends are in the hospital, I got messed up, my life kind of changed, all in a matter of seconds of being hit by a car. I say that my life has changed just because of the perspective I now have. And it's not much of a change, it's just this: I now realize that dying isn't necessarily that bad. It could be over before you know it. But the part about dying that sucks is leaving behind everybody you love.
To everybody I love, you make life worth living.

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