Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Have to Stay There

If you guys want to, I'll spill the deets on Vegas. I find the details to be a little embarrassing, not because of what I did, necessarily, but because of how little I did. Sure, I don't like clubs, and I didn't have a lot of money to spend, but I feel like all I did was drink too much. The vacation was over way too quickly, and the only thing I took home with me was a stupid cold, just like every other time I've gone to Vegas.
And before you call me unappreciative of the trip and wonder why I'm being negative, stop thinking that. I had an awesome time. I just wish it lasted longer, and I was a little more adventurous. I'd like to be able to think, "Man, I hope I don't have herpes," and then not have herpes, obviously. But to be able to wonder that would mean I'm doing something right. Right?
So here's a quick recap: show up, go to Steiner's across the street from the hotel, it's off the strip. We get good food and good beer, then catch a cab to the strip. We get drinks and walk around with them outside (awesome), play around on the escalators at the Venetian, and eventually end up at O'Shea's for beer pong. Call me a simpleton, but that place is fun.
Next day, we got home at around 6 30 or 7, so I woke up around 2 30. We go to the pool, they have a water slide. Shit is sick. Already start drinking too many Evan Williams and coke cherry zeros at the room, then go to Steiner's again, where we sit at a table with Guiness and Harp tapped INTO the table. They charge a flat rate per pint on the table. That was seriously one of the coolest things ever. So then we go to the strip again, meet some douche bag kids on their 21st bday, a couple of 2nd grade teachers from Chicago, and I thought they were from Wisconsin. They were confused. I played some poker, and won 15 bucks, and cashed out. Then we ended up at O'Shea's again, where my night gets fuzzy. Rewind just a couple hours: I drank a 4 Loko and a 32 oz fruity drink.
Next morning I felt like shit the whole day. I puked out of Grant's car, and in the bathroom of Chili's. Morning Spencer is way worse when he's hungover. Sorry Spencer and Grant, once again. But hey, everyone needs a break from the grind. I'm thankful Vegas is around so I can be a shitshow there and get it out of my system.

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