Saturday, September 24, 2011

Independent Life

I have wanted for so long to live independently, and I finally am. I, of course, still require help from my mom to pay for a phone, health insurance, and the occasional lunch tab, but I am, for the most part, on my own. I used to tell myself that I would be responsible when I moved out, that I would clean the house regularly, do the dishes every few days. I had a cleaning lady and a mom that was really nice to me before, so I never knew that I would do neither of these things given my independence. Especially with a roommate such as Grant, it's gotten a little out of hand how messy the house is. I won't go into detail.
Aside from Grant's and my destruction of our apartment (I leave out the 3rd roommate, Ben, because he's hardly at home when he's awake and does all his dishes immediately after dirtying them), I thoroughly enjoy living on my own. I can now have my really weird sleeping habits without having my mom asking why I was up at such a strange hour. I can invite friends over to MY house. I can look outside of MY front door and actually see the ocean. And I can stock the fridge and the pantry with booze and not worry about someone reminding me my family has a history of alcoholism and diabetes.
I also feel like paying rent and doing laundry at a laundromat is pretty valuable experience. I've actually been able to impress myself, juggling a car payment, rent, drinking, and eating badly. This also comes with a nagging feeling that I need to utilize my gym membership, and a newly found appreciation for my job. While I really don't like the actual job of waiting tables, it pays the bills and allows me to sleep in. And as for doing laundry in a coin-op, I don't do it right. I don't fold the laundry when its done, and I don't separate the whites and colors. Insert integration joke. Important part is, I've learned how to do about 4 loads of laundry in about an hour and a half. My, how stimulating the bachelor life is.

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